Please choose from the dropdowns below:
I want to...
New electricity supplies
Select an option to discover what services we have available to support with your new electricity connection.
Already have electricity, and looking to add, move or disconnect your electricity supply?
You can choose from our services for your existing connection.
Already have electricity, and looking to add, move or disconnect your electricity supply?
You can choose from our services for your existing connection.
Connect a new property or multiple properties
Please choose from the dropdowns below:
A new property
Connect a large project
Please note: This service is available for new electricity connections above 300kVA. Before you begin your application, you must register or log into your account.
What is covered in this service?
- Large housing development
- Commercial development
- Industrial development
Select from the options below:
Connect an EV charger
Electric vehicle charger
Find out more about connecting your electric vehicle charger to our network.
Connect a heat pump
Please choose from the dropdowns below:
Connect a heat pump
Please select from the dropdowns below:
Connect solar, wind or battery storage
What is covered in this service?
- Solar panels
- Wind energy
- Energy storage
Connect street furniture
Please note, an unmetered supply is provided where it is not practical to install a meter and/or the cost of installing a meter is disproportionate to the cost of electricity used by the equipment.
What is covered in this service?
- Street lights
- Traffic signals
- Illuminated road or advertisement signs
- Bollards
- Telecoms cabinets
- CCTV cameras
- Bus shelters
Select from the options below:
Connect as an ICP/IDNO
If you have the appropriate NERS accreditation and have been engaged by a client to deliver their new connections, we can provide you with the necessary non-contestable services. View more information and support for ICPs/IDNOs.
Speak with your team
If you can't find what you're looking for or need to speak with us, please use one of the contact options below. We are available Monday to Friday 08:00 - 17:00.
Call us
0800 048 3516 (Option 2)
Email us
Share your views
If you were struggling to find something on our website you can share your feedback with us to help us improve the experience we give you. To do this visit our webpage below.
Give us feedback
Contact guides and information packs
Competition in Connections - Contact and Escalation guide - South
- Type:
- Date:
- 27/03/2024
- Size:
- 693.1 KB