- A Safety Management System for work at / across Ownership Boundaries
- Control Persons authorised to operate the Safety Management System
- Field Staff authorised to operate the Safety Management System
- A Documentation System for inter-system safety precautions
- Site Hazard Management Procedures
- An Ownership, Control, Operation and Maintenance Schedule
- Control Diagrams and a Control Log (retained for 12 months)
- Effective Communications
To meet these requirements for Users connected at HV / EHV SSEN use a Joint Operating Agreement (JOA). A JOA will consist of the following parts:
- An Agreement with details of the installation and safety management procedures to be adopted and signed by all parties.
- An Operational Diagram of your network showing the ownership, operation and control boundary.
- Where an Operational Diagram is not sufficient, then it will be supported by a Site Responsibility Schedule of all the equipment adjacent to the interface and defining the owner, maintainer, operator, control party etc.
- An Attachment containing supporting information eg contact telephone numbers, Authorised / Competent Persons etc.
A copy of the completed JOA will be retained by us (SSEN) and you. Each JOA will have a unique reference number and a revision number.
SSEN and you must notify each other of any subsequent changes that affect the JOA. We (SSEN) will revise the JOA, agree the content with You and then issue signed updated copies.
To inform us (SSEN) of any change to your JOA you can submit a query using the ‘Ask EDD (Experts in Design & Delivery)’ feature on the right. Your ‘Questions’ should contain the following information;
- Site Address
- Existing JOA Reference Number