Plan ahead
To plan you’ll need to confirm:
- The type of work you intend to carry out (excavations, crane lifting, ploughing, spraying, etc.);
- The maximum height and vertical reach of the machinery you intend to use;
- How close to the line you intend to be working and whether there will be plant travelling or working under the line;
- The line type, voltage, and height.
You should always seek professional advice when working near our network. No operations should be carried out within a horizontal distance of at least 10 metres from power lines.

Reduce the risks
The risk of an accident can be significantly reduced by:
- Not folding sprayer booms on the move. Consider having a designated safe area away from Overhead Power Lines so that booms, or other high-risk activity, can be carried out safely.
Make sure an experienced banksman or slinger is present when machinery is operated near overhead lines.
Not steadying suspended loads unless you are satisfied you are nowhere near an overhead line.
Erecting barriers that machines have to pass beneath which can be limited to a safe height.
Creating alternative access points and routes.

Emergency action
Should machinery come into contact with an overhead line, take the following action:
- Never touch an overhead line, even if it has been brought down by machinery, or has fallen. Do not assume it is dead.
- When a machine is in contact with an overhead line, anyone who touches both the machine and the ground can be electrocuted. Stay in the machine and lower raised parts in contact, or drive the machine out of the lines if you can.
- If you need to get out, to summon help or because of fire, don’t climb out in the usual way, jump out as far as possible, without touching the wires or the machine, and don’t touch any part of the machine when on the ground.
- Call our emergency number and ask us to disconnect the supply. Even if the line appears dead, do not touch it; automatic switching may reconnect the power.

Download the Health & Safety Executive leaflet for further guidance
Helpful resources
Take a look at our helpful resources and useful advice to help you stay safe when working or playing near our equipment as well as links to industry recognised safety videos.