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We're helping the transition to a smart, flexible system that connects large-scale energy generation right down to the solar panels and electric vehicles installed in homes, businesses and communites right across the country.

In line with our Open Networks approach, our Near Real-time Data Access (NeRDA) portal is live and making available power flow information from our EHV, HV and LV networks, taking in data from a number of sources, including SCADA PowerOn, our installed low voltage monitoring equipment, load model forecasting tool, connectivity model and our Long Term Development Statement (LTDS)

Making near real-time data accessible from DNO’s is facilitating an economic and efficient development and operation in the transition to a low carbon economy. NeRDA is a key enabler for the delivery of Net Zero, by opening network data it is creating opportunities for the flexible markets, helping to identify the best locations to invest flexible resources and connect faster.

You can access this information via our informative near real-time Dashboard and download portions of data, or connect to our API and receive an ongoing stream of near real-time data.

NeRDA Access