Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) is set to begin emergency works on Havant's New Road on Wednesday 17 March to enable essential repairs to be carried out on the underground electricity cable network.

The works are being undertaken to ensure the resilience of the supply to those living and working in Havant, Leigh Park, Bedhampton, Rowlands Castle and the surrounding areas, and are expected to run over a ten-week period on the westbound section of New Road, between the Petersfield Road roundabout and Chidham Drive. SSEN engineers will work seven days a week - where practical - and while road traffic is lighter during the current coronavirus restrictions.

As this essential repair requires underground cables to be accessed, New Road will be subject to a two-way traffic management system, by means of temporary traffic signals in operation 24 hours a day, to ensure the safety of road users, pedestrians and SSEN engineers. In agreement with the local authority, all access to businesses, residential homes and pedestrians will be maintained.

Nearby residents and business owners have been notified of the works and the agreed traffic management system by letter drop, and are assured that these emergency repairs will NOT affect their power supplies.

SSEN's Project Engineer, Simon King said:

"I'd like to assure our customers that we are working to complete these essential repairs as quickly and safely as possible - while adhering to Government guidelines on working practices during coronavirus - and would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused by these excavations.

"As a considerate constructor, SSEN seeks to minimise disruption to customers wherever possible and our team will be available for the duration of these works to address any concerns or issues that those living or working in the vicinity may have."

While there are no planned supply interruptions during these works, SSEN would like to take this opportunity to remind all of its customers of the additional services they can receive to help them deal with issues such as adverse weather and power cuts.

SSEN's Priority Services Register provides free additional support for customers who may become vulnerable during a power cut. Customers can qualify for
SSEN's Priority Services Register if they:

  • Are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Have a disability
  • Live with children under five
  • Are blind or partially sighted
  • Have a chronic illness
  • Use medical equipment/aids reliant on electricity
  • Are over 60
  • Are categorised at 'high risk' or 'extremely high risk' of severe illness from coronavirus

By registering for SSEN's PSR, customers will be proactively contacted to warn them of potential bad weather to help them prepare and to offer extra support where required. SSEN's teams will also keep in close and regular contact with its PSR customers during network outages to check they are getting the help they need.

To find out more about the PSR, click
here, or call 0800 294 3259. For more information on all the support available from SSEN, and for helpful advice on preparing for and dealing with a power cut, please visit

If you have any questions about these essential works, please contact Project Engineer, Simon King on 07767 850338 or