Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks and Wessex Water have teamed up to show case how they are working together to support customers in vulnerable circumstances.

A shared utility event was recently held - for the first time - at Wessex Water's Bath headquarters, where partner charities, councils and community groups were able to learn more about schemes such as the Priority Services Register; a register of customers with specific needs, that is quick and easy to join.

SSEN was keen to work with Wessex Water to raise awareness with their customers of the services that can provide additional help during power cuts, emergency situations and adverse weather events.

SSEN stakeholder engagement manager Alison Dean said: "SSEN and Wessex Water have been working in partnership since May 2016 to support our customers in vulnerable circumstances."

"This event gave us the opportunity to show what we can offer and enabled us to reach and better support those customers in our region who need us most."

Wessex Water is committed to an open systems approach to helping customers and has recently launched its new Market place platform, an online collaboration tool for organisations inside and outside the water industry.

Kate Robbins, Wessex Water's head of customer policy, added "We know that anyone can find themselves vulnerable at any time, maybe due to illness or unemployment or simply a change of circumstances such as a bereavement or relationship break-up."

"Because our customers are our priority, we are committed to providing extra support and help when and where it is most needed."

"Working in partnership with SSEN has enabled us to share best practice, lobby for change and work collaboratively to raise awareness and increase take-up of our support schemes such as Priority Services."

Customers can qualify for SSEN's Priority Services Register if they:

  • Are dependent on electricity for home medical care
  • Have a chronic illness or short term medical condition
  • Are disabled
  • Have special communication needs
  • Have children under the age of five
  • Are over the age of 60

By registering for SSEN's PSR, customers will be proactively contacted to warn them of potential bad weather to help them prepare and to offer extra support where required. SSEN's teams will also keep in close and regular contact with its PSR customers during network outages to check they are getting the help they need.

The free service also offers:

  • Dedicated 24-hour priority services phone number
  • Information in the format you need, for example Braille, textphone, audio CD or foreign language

To find out more about the PSR, click here or call 0800 294 3259.