Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has introduced an innovative 3D modelling programme to provide stakeholders and members of the local community with a more detailed overview of the company's proposed Inveraray to Crossaig network reinforcement project.

The video, which has been designed by specialist company 3D Webtech, allows viewers to see what the project will look like when complete, something SSEN believes will increase transparency and stakeholder engagement following the recent submission of its Section 37 planning application to the Scottish Government.

The main components of SSEN's project proposals are:

  • Construction of a new 275kV overhead line, initially operated at 132kV between Inveraray and Crossaig.
  • Decommissioning and removal of the existing 132kV transmission line between Inveraray and Crossaig.
  • Extend the existing connection from Port Ann to the new overhead line

This upgrade to the network will not only help to maintain a safe and reliable supply of electricity across the region, the project will also help facilitate the increase in demand for connections to SSEN's transmission network following the growth in renewable energy across the region and the transition to a low carbon economy. For more information on the proposals, please visit

To view the 3D model, please click on the image above.

SSEN is keen to hear your views on this 3D model, and you can send your feedback either on our facebook page (ssencommunity)or by email to Kelly Scott, the project's Community Liaison Manager, at

Any representations to the Section 37 application may be submitted via the Energy Consents Unit website at; by email to The Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit mailbox at or by post, to The Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for representation.