Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), operating as Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc under licence, is holding a public consultation event in Stornoway next Tuesday, 18 September, to seek views on its plans for a new switching station at Balallan and replacement overhead line between Stornoway and Balallan.
The works are required to meet the needs of renewable developers on Lewis looking to connect to the GB Transmission System and form part of SSEN's proposed transmission link from the Western Isles to the Scottish mainland.
The proposed reinforcement would deliver a single 600MW subsea link from Arnish on Lewis to Dundonnell on the Scottish mainland, unlocking the renewables potential of the Western Isles. The progression of the project remains subject to developer commitment, planning consent and regulatory approval.
Next week's consultation will engage with the local community and interested stakeholders on SSEN's plans to progress the onshore element of this proposal. This comprises of a 25km replacement overhead wooden trident line between Balallan and Stornoway, which will be followed by the removal of the existing line. The proposals also include the construction of a new switching station at Balallan and new connections to the overhead line at Balallan, Stornoway and Arnish.
Members of SSEN's project team will be on hand to explain more about the proposals and, in addition to maps and engineering plans, SSEN has also commissioned a 3D animated video which shows a detailed fly-through of the route with the new infrastructure in place.
Speaking ahead of the event, SSEN's Project Manager Russell Stewart, said:
"As a responsible developer, we are always keen to share our plans with our communities and stakeholders and where possible, factor in local feedback as we further refine our plans. Our event on Tuesday will provide our team with the ideal opportunity to meet with the local community and hear their views on our proposals for the network around Balallan and Stornoway."
"We would encourage anyone with an interest in the project to come along to speak with the project team and we look forward to seeing as many members of the local community as possible at the event."
The public consultation event will be held in The Oak Room, Cabarfeidh Hotel, Manor Park, Perceval Road, Stornoway, HS1 2EU between 3-7pm.