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Why we work with Accountability

SSEN Distribution are proud to work alongside one of the UK’s leading consultants and standards firm, AccountAbility. The AA1000 series of standards are recognised as the preferred frameworks for stakeholder engagement.

AccountAbility’s Stakeholder Engagement Healthcheck assesses an organisation’s stakeholder engagement practices against AccountAbility’s AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (SES). The assessment which SSEN Distribution has undertaken over the last three years, assesses our stakeholder engagement strategies, tools, processes and activities against both the AA1000 series of standards and industry leading stakeholder engagement practices.

The AA1000SES is designed to enable organisations to respond to stakeholders in a comprehensive and balanced way. These are based on the principles Inclusivity, Materiality, Responsiveness, and Impact.  

Our Stakeholder Engagement Approach

We have designed our strategy and approach according to these principles. Our stakeholder engagement strategy provides a clear and accessible framework that we use to identify, prioritise, and respond to stakeholder challenges and improve performance.

Achieving the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard

SSEN Distribution demonstrates strong performance across the pillars of AccountAbility's AA1000SES (2015). With a total score of 86%, the organisation lies within the Advanced stage of the AccountAbility Stakeholder Engagement Maturity Ladder. This represents another 5% increase from its 2022-23 score of 81%. This year-on-year improvement is a true testament to the dedication and care our organisation consistently demonstrates in our Stakeholder Engagement effort.

“SSEN Distribution has a clear purpose for stakeholder engagement that is linked to advancing the overall business strategy. The scope of stakeholder engagement is clearly defined and demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and improvement based on stakeholder feedback”. - AccountAbility

Continued learning

To ensure we continue to increase both capacity and capabilities around stakeholder engagement, our colleagues participate in a continuous programme of training and awareness.  Additionally, working with AccountAbility, we will this year undertake a targeted programme of improvement, further improving our knowledge and skills with the aim of continuing to deliver impactful stakeholder engagement.

If you would like to provide feedback on our engagement approach, please get in touch with our team: