Scaling our operations to delivery full DSO functionality over ED2
We have set out our delivery schedule over the first two years of RIIO-ED2. These initial stages must be in place prior to further delivery in the second half of the price control period. In each case we have shown how delivery supports the three core function areas of DSO, and illustrated customer benefit by providing example journey maps for specific customer categories.
Click here to download our timeline to discover the services and benefits over 2023-2025.
Our investment plan allows us to scale up our delivery as we develop the systems, processes and teams over the five-year delivery period. Our activity on the timeline reflects this resource matching.
Investment in enabling IT over ED2
Investment in new digital products tails-off once the new systems are fully functional.
Investing £28.2m in headcount growth over ED2
Forecasted growth in flexibility services
What customers can expect from DSO services in RIIO-ED2
Click here to download our timeline to discover the services and benefits over 2023-2025.