A programme of works by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to boost the resilience of the power supply to a North West Hampshire village and the surrounding area has been completed on time and to budget.

The £1.1 million pound project, which started in summer last year, upgraded the electricity infrastructure serving customers in the village of Thruxton; delivering a power supply fit for the future as more people adopt low carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps.

By replacing two transformers, located at the end of St John’s Lane, SSEN has built a more resilient network for the village while reducing potential noise pollution through the use of modern, more efficient equipment.

To eliminate the need to construct enclosures for the new equipment in another area of the village, the distribution operator removed two existing brick enclosures, using the existing footprint of the buildings to provide the space needed for the newly installed transformers.

SSEN’s Project Manager for Thruxton’s upgrade works, David Oliver said:

“Our project team is delighted to have completed this significant upgrade for our customers in Thruxton, and thank them for their patience while we carried out this improvement project.

“By installing the latest technology in the area, SSEN is ensuring the strength of the local power supply; keeping power flowing to those living and working in the area and helping them meet their net zero goals, with an infrastructure fit for the future.

“Our investment in Thruxton’s electricity infrastructure provides a robust network for the local community that will suit their needs now and for many years to come as they look to increase their use of low carbon technologies.”

John Davis of Thruxton Parish Council added:

“On behalf of Thruxton Parish Council, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those involved in this SSEN project.

“Throughout, the workforce has involved the community and provided them with ongoing updates. I haven’t heard a single sour note from anyone in the village and thank SSEN for their consideration of our residents.”

SSEN’s investment in this North West Hampshire village ensures a power supply that suits the changing needs of the community. By upgrading this part of Hampshire’s infrastructure, SSEN is helping its customers to achieve their decarbonisation ambitions; so as more of them turn to low carbon technologies, they have a supply and network that’s fit for purpose.

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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks

We are the electricity Distribution Network Operator (DNO) responsible for delivering power to over 3.8 million homes and businesses across central southern England and the north of Scotland. We serve some of the most diverse and unique geographies across the UK, and keep customers and communities connected whilst developing the flexible electricity network vital to achieving net zero.