Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is currently reviewing all responses received to its recent consultation on the Orkney transmission link project.

The latest round of consultation focused on the onshore and subsea transmission infrastructure required to connect Orkney renewable projects to the transmission system. It set out SSEN's preferred route corridors and its preferred technology, which is a combination of overhead wooden trident poles, subsea cables and potential underground cabling. Over 200 stakeholders attended the four stakeholder events SSEN held on Orkney between 30 April and 3 May with 75 stakeholders formally responding to the consultation.

Commenting on the consultation, Project Manager, Duncan McCall, said:

"We would like to thank all stakeholders for taking the time to attend our consultation events and provide written responses. As a responsible developer, we will now carefully consider all responses received as we further refine our proposals in advance of further consultation later this year."

A consultation report summarising all responses will be published and shared with all respondents before the end of July. SSEN will also hold a one day consultation on 11 July to provide an update on its preferred substation at Finstown, with the next round of consultation on all other elements of the project scheduled to take place in the autumn.

To find out more about the Orkney proposals, visit the dedicated project page here.