SSEN is proposing to install a new 132kV overhead line from the existing Fort Augustus substation to the existing Dunvegan substation using double trident H wood poles. The reinforcement is required to enable the connection of renewable generation located in the north of Skye and will also improve the resilience of the local transmission network.

In addition to the new overhead line between Fort Augustus and Broadford, SSEN is proposing to replace the existing overhead line between Broadford and Dunvegan substation with a new higher capacity 132kV line.

The latest overhead line alignment was developed following consultation with the community, landowners and statutory authorities in September and was presented at a series of events in Fort Augustus, Invergarry, Glenelg, Kyleakin and Dunvegan between 7 and 15 November.

SSEN's Project Manager, Mark Baxter, explains more:

"Following the feedback received during our previous round of consultation we were keen to come up with a solution that balanced the technical requirements of the project, environment considerations, as well as addressing the views of the local community. We used a helicopter to capture precise data along the route which provided the opportunity to adjust our alignment to run in parallel with the existing line whilst avoiding the ancient woodland."

"As a responsible developer, we recognise the importance of engaging with a wide range of stakeholders and I'm pleased that our latest proposals have been received positively during this recent round of consultation events. I would like to thank all of those who took the time to come and speak with me and the project team at the events over the last couple of weeks and would encourage anyone else with an interest in the project who hasn't yet commented on our plans to get in touch."

SSEN has published the information boards from the event on its dedicated project page: along with an online feedback form to provide those who were unable to attend the events with an opportunity to provide feedback.

The feedback for this latest public consultation element of the Fort Augustus-Skye project is open until Friday 22 December 2017. SSEN is intending to submit its Section 37 consent application at the early summer of 2019. If consented, the project would begin construction in early 2020.