The existing subsea cable, which was installed back in 1983, is now reaching the end of its operational life and to maintain the key lifeline service that electricity provides to these island communities, SSEN is proposing to install a new submarine electricity cable from Scockness on Rousay to East Sous on Westray. This will ensure the continued reliable and safe supply of electricity that homes and businesses on the islands rely upon for their every day needs.


The proposed replacement involves underground cabling at both shore ends with the cable then laid across the surface of the seabed. Post installation jetting will then occur to bury the cable where sediment allows, with rock bags placed at regular intervals where seabed conditions are not suitable for burial, ensuring cable stability throughout its lifetime. This approach will reduce risks, protect natural habitats and provide a cost-effective crossing from island to island.


The installation method to replace the cable is based on a cost benefit analysis undertaken by SSEN to determine the best value method to replace the electricity submarine cable that serve the islands. The analysis considered all the feedback received during extensive local consultation and events, alongside detailed technical and environmental surveys.


As a responsible network operator, SSEN has scheduled its works to minimise disruption on local marine life, with the works planned to avoid the key breeding seasons for local seals (between June and August) and key bird populations (between April and July).


Kirstine Wood, Lead Engagement and Submarine Policy Manager, said:

"We are delighted to have submitted our application to replace the Rousay to Westray submarine electricity cable which will secure electricity supplies for the island communities for many years to come."


"The proposed route and installation methods have been carefully designed to balance stakeholder feedback and environmental constraints whilst meeting electricity licence obligations."

"We would like to thank all local stakeholders for the constructive input to our plans to date and we look forward to continuing to work closely with the local communities moving forward, including our commitment to provide early notice and a fisheries liaison management plan in advance of any works taking place."

SSEN's full proposal can be viewed here: /submarinecables and any comments on the proposal should be submitted directly to Marine Scotland.