Whole System Approach

SSEN is embedding a Whole System approach across its entire business that embraces opportunities to collaborate with others to enhance consumer benefits and societal outcomes.

An increase in low-carbon distributed generation, Electric Vehicles (EVs), Demand Side Response (DSR) and energy storage are transforming our network and giving customers access to new products and services. Our Whole System approach uses non-network solutions such as flexible generation and demand to make the most of existing network assets, and sees us taking on the role of Neutral Market Facilitator (NMF) to help unlock local solutions, as being trialled by our TRANSITION project. By utilising this Whole System approach, network companies such as SSEN will be key to delivering a new decentralised low-carbon system by producing a more efficient and cost-effective network to meet customers’ needs.

The smart, flexibility transition is not limited to the distribution network; the transmission businesses will also be transforming. To achieve the best outcomes for customers, all sources of flexibility must be used optimally including generators, DSR, storage and interconnectors. A whole system approach will ensure a level playing field between potential providers of flexibility that account for both system needs and network capabilities.

Whole System Coordination Register                           

As part of our commitment to embedding a Whole System approach, we are sharing our Whole System Registers for each of our licence areas. These registers provided a consolidated list of the activities and projects that we have undertaken over the past year with other network licensees and network users to improve the efficiency of our networks and the wider electricity system. These registers will be maintained and updated every year to confirm how Whole System works are progressing and being embedded across our business.

SEPD Whole System Coordination Register

SHEPD Whole System Coordination Register 

We are continually looking to drive and deliver opportunities that will benefit our customers through innovation, cost efficiency and our commitment to net zero targets. 

Although our registers highlight the areas of work that we are currently developing and implementing, we are aware that there are more opportunities that can be realised.  If you believe that you can support any of the work we have highlighted within our registers, or if you believe that there are opportunities that we should consider, please fill out the below proposal form.

Upon completion of the form please send us your network user proposal file to whole.system.distribution@sse.com

Network user proposal submission form

Proposal relevant for