SSEN's Charlee Mills discusses the Priority Services Register with one of the Gurdwara's worshippers

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has been spreading the message in Slough about the assistance it can provide in relation to power cuts and fuel poverty, with multi-language leaflets and an information stand at a local Sikh place of worship.

SSEN's customers are at the heart of everything they do and reflecting the communities, cultures and languages of customers across its central southern England distribution patch is just one of the ways that SSEN works to engage with communities to better advise them on the beneficial free services it provides.

Although we're still enjoying the summer months, recent high winds and rain showed that customers can still potentially experience a power cut outside of the winter months that are more associated with adverse weather.

Whatever the weather, SSEN's Priority Services Register (PSR) can assist those who may need more help in the unlikely event of a power cut and to raise awareness of the free scheme, SSEN's Customer and Community Advisor for Thames Valley, Mohammed Kamraiz and Charlee Mills set up a stand at the Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara on Sunday 18 August to explain the benefits of registering for the service, and referring customers for free advice on keeping warm and saving money through SSEN's fuel poverty referral scheme.

Mohammed explains more: "At SSEN, we're conscious that customers across all age groups can be affected differently when they experience a power cut and coming along to the Sri Guru Singh Sabha in Slough gave me the opportunity to speak to worshippers of all ages as they attended the Gurdwara."

"Our PSR leaflets are printed in several different languages, so we're better able to discuss the benefits of the service with interested parties and then give them the information they need, in their first language - to take home and show to relatives who might be eligible for PSR."

"Coming here today has been invaluable to us; enabling us to sign up several customers to the Priority Services Register, hand out a further 250 PSR leaflets in English and Punjabi and make over 20 fuel poverty referrals."

One worshipper, Mr Dial Singh, who stopped by the SSEN stand for PSR information commented: "I'm very pleased and appreciate the efforts made by SSEN to approach the Gurdwara to promote these free services for the worshippers here."

"Also, what is really pleasing is to see SSEN have leaflets printed in other languages to engage with customers who don't have English as their first language."

SSEN's Charlee Mills added: "SSEN works throughout the year to make sure its customers always receive the best service; PSR gives them peace of mind, knowing that as the colder months approach they are already signed up to receive additional assistance in the event of an interruption to power supplies."

Customers can qualify for the PSR if they:?

  • Are dependent on electricity for home medical care
  • Have a chronic illness or short term medical condition
  • Are disabled
  • Have special communication needs
  • Have children under the age of five
  • Are over the age of 60?

Once signed up, customers on the PSR will receive a phone call in relation to a power cut or planned supply interruption and, where necessary, a welfare check from a member of a specially-trained team.?

The free service also offers:?

  • Dedicated 24 hour priority services phone number
  • Priority updates during a power cut
  • Information in the format you need, for example Braille, textphone, audio CD or foreign language?

To find out more about the PSR, go to or call 0800 294 3259.