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Our Strategy

We have built on the strong foundations and successes of the past years and have refreshed our consumer vulnerability strategy to guide us through the next 5 years.

Our approach

Our consumer vulnerability strategy was born out of our ED2 business plan, which drives us through the next regulatory period from April 2023 to March 2028. Our business plan was co-created with stakeholders, industry experts and customers, during wide consultation, and because of this our plan has our customers and communities at its heart.

The stakeholder engagement that crafted our business plan has meant our refined consumer vulnerability strategy has a clear view of emerging issues our customers, and the organisations that support them, face – helping us to focus on the key areas that will deliver real value and support to those that need it most. Our approach to consumer vulnerability is based on the following principles:

  1. Understanding the needs of our customers 
  2. Using data to deliver tailored support
  3. Partnership and collaborative working to help deliver services 
  4. Embedding knowledge and learnings and sharing best practice
  5. Tracking performance against KPIs to ensure our efforts remain effective

Our priorities

Our three strategic focuses of fuel poverty, supporting the low carbon transition and providing and promoting a Priority Service Register remain the same, but our approach, collaboration, partnership and innovation means we can flex to meet changing needs of our customers, communities and society.

We have a firm ambition to build on the existing strong foundations and continue to deepen our engagement to ensure our activities leave lasting solutions in the communities we serve.

Our approach to partnerships

Partnerships are key to the successful delivery of our vulnerability strategy and ensuring we are providing support to those customers who need it most.

Our partnership framework builds on our consumer vulnerability promises and is based on the belief that partnerships can deliver better outcomes than if we acted alone.

We will continue to strengthen and enhance our existing partnerships whilst striving to forge new ones, sharing best practice and knowledge, and identifying fresh innovative ways to support those who need it most. If you would like to register as a stakeholder, head to our stakeholder engagement page to sign up: Stakeholder Engagement - SSEN.

Our governance

We will report on our consumer vulnerability strategy every year and submit an Annual Vulnerability Report to our regulators, Ofgem. This will lead to a yearly refresh of our consumer vulnerability strategy and engagement with our stakeholders to ensure it remains effective and relevant in an ever-changing world.

For more information on our consumer vulnerability strategy, or to understand how we can work together, please contact us

Consumer Vulnerability Strategy

To find out more information, download our Consumer Vulnerability Strategy.